Habit Deep Dive Day

Transform your business outcomes

Your Business has habits

Habits > Trajectory > Outcome

Unlock the full potential of your business and book your Habit Deep Dive Day discovery call now!

  • Cost of Habit Deep Dive Day £3600.00 (Inclusive of VAT)

  • Additional travel fees are payable for delivery outside the UK mainland.

Every business owner or manager wants transformation of some kind.

The problem is that transformation only truly occurs if you follow the equation;
Habits > Trajectory > Outcomes
You already know the cost to your business when a team or department is on the wrong trajectory;- Reduced efficiency
- Decreased quality
- Poor communication and collaboration
- Demotivation of employees
- Reputation damage
- Increased costs & reduced margins
One of the most frustrating aspects of running a business is the discrepancy between a team's potential and actual results. Despite having a talented and capable team, it can be disheartening to see that potential not fully realised. Bad business habits are at the root of this frustration.

Your business has a 'Way of being'

Fire together & wire together

Whereas an individual has neurons that fire together & wire together, creating personal habits, a business has teams, departments and key personnel with habitual behaviour patterns.This groove of behaviour becomes the company's 'way of being'. These business habits inevitably generate a trajectory of results.Over time most businesses evolve into an imperfect collection of systems and habits that are not optimised to achieve the desired results.The question then becomes; how do we predictably adjust the trajectory and transform results?

A powerful solution

Why the Habit Deep Dive Day?The only reliable way to transform business results is to ensure the habitual behaviour of a team or department creates a trajectory that will intersect with the desired outcome.The Habit Deep Dive Day is the perfect way to kick-start your business transformation.In one comprehensive and intensive day, we will take a deep dive into your business operations by utilising our proprietary Habit Re-Boot Protocol. By identifying and analysing key areas of your business, we will uncover the harmful habits that are hindering your company's potential and holding it back from achieving its potential.This will be a hands-on and actionable process that will help you to see tangible results and improvements in your business.

Here's a look into the step-by-step process of how our Habit Deep Dive Day will unfold to help you uncover and eliminate harmful habits in your business.

  • Understand the theory of business habits and the impact of subconscious behaviour on a company's trajectory.

  • Begin by identifying a specific team or department to focus on for habit improvement.

  • Compare the current trajectory of the team or department against the desired outcomes.

  • Analyse the linear sequence of habits currently exhibited by the team or department.

  • Identify the worst habits hindering the team or department's potential.

  • Choose a leader or "general" to spearhead the change effort.

  • Identify and anticipate common objections or "excuses" that may arise during the change process.

  • Clearly define the desired outcome for the team or department.

  • Develop new metrics to measure success and progress towards the desired outcome.

  • Create a new linear habit sequence for the team or department, incorporating replacements for harmful habits.

  • Identify and address equipment, software, training, or information deficiencies that may impede the new habit sequence.

  • Develop a communication plan to effectively explain the changes to the team or department and provide any necessary training.

  • Provide guidance on navigating employee resistance or disagreement during the change process.

  • Offer guidance for fine-tuning the new habits and addressing the typical problems that arise as the new behaviour beds in.

Take the next step towards improving your business trajectories by booking a discovery call.During the call, I will assess the fit between your company and the Habit Re-Boot process and determine if it's the right solution for your business.We will also discuss available dates for the Habit Deep Dive Day during the call if you decide to proceed.Don't wait; book your discovery call today and start the journey towards unlocking your business's full potential.

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